India’s Largest Exporter Award
Outstanding Industry Of Karnataka
Highest Exporter Award
The Best EOU for Outstanding Export Performance
State Export Excellence Award for Readymade Garments
HR Best Practices OLX People Award
State Level Safety Award
CSR Excellence Award 2022

& Initiatives
Gokaldas Exports is committed to being environmentally responsible and ethical in all aspects of the operations, demonstrating a strong commitment to conserving resources and efficient waste management, while promoting environmentally responsible processes.
Water & Sanitation
We have undertaken various initiatives in the area of water and sanitation, aiming to improve the health and hygiene conditions of communities in need, by providing safe drinking water for 350+ students and 15 staff members of a Government school in Bagalgunte near Mysore. We also constructed separate washroom facilities for boys and girls and staff members in the same school.

Green Belt
We undertake afforestation activities every year on June 5th - World Environment Day by partnering with employees, their children, the community members and customers. We recently planted 2600+ saplings at Hassan. Rainwater harvesting projects are also encouraged to promote rainwater collection for reuse.

Clean Energy
Clean Energy is a priority for us and we installed a 400 KWP solar PV at one of our manufacturing units, thus meeting the energy requirements through a clean and renewable source. The excess clean power is supplied to the external grid. We are exploring options to provide clean energy across a majority of our operations.

We use 100% non-hazardous chemicals in our laundry and printing units. The company is also a member of the Zero Discharge of Hazardous Chemical (ZDHC) group and recycles the by-products by sharing them with the cement industry for vendors for reuse. We also ensure zero liquid discharge, recovering around 92% of the water from the effluents of laundry and recycle it. The residual waste is safely disposed of following pollution control norms.

Reducing Energy Consumption
We are actively reducing our dependence on fossil fuels by switching to organic biomass. The company reduced its diesel consumption by 13% over a period of four years and brought down fabric wastage, despite significant growth in business volume. We have installed variable frequency drives in compressors enabling reduction of energy consumption by 4% over previous year. We have replaced conventional clutch motor sewing machines with direct-drive motors, replaced lighting in all units with LED reducing energy loss and power consumption.

Water Conservation
We are harvesting rain water to recharge the groundwater table and utilise some of the water for manufacturing processes.
We believe that in the strategic context of business, beyond financial goals, there is a need to actively contribute to the Social, Economic and Environmental Development of the Community in which we operate, as well as ensuring participation from the community and thereby creating value for the society at large.
Gokaldas Exports Charitable Foundation, established in the year 2022, hopes to bring about a positive impact in the lives of the underprivileged people by providing them with access to necessities of life such as rural infrastructure development, education and healthcare and well-being. Founded on the principles of integrity and inclusivity, GECF hopes to aid in the building of resilient communities.